The new handicapping system is up and running now for BGC. There was a problem caused in part by our slope rating not being available until late in the year. Golf Australia responded to the problem in a timely fashion and now we have our new Golf Australia handicaps. These handicaps can be easily converted to the players handicap on the day which changes depending on the difficulty of the course they may be playing. In our case we take the GA (Golf Australia) handicap and look up on the chart at the course that we may be playing on what the slope rating is. That then translates into the handicap we play off on that course on that day.

When playing on our course, be it the ladies or men's courses, in a competition it all happens automatically. Once one is entered into the competition the computer system works out the  daily handicap and prints it on the card exactly the same as before. Then we play in the competition exactly the same as before also. But, and it's a small but when we play a stroke round we mark the card with our stroke score on each hole AND our stableford score.  

Entering the score is the same as before -- we enter the stroke score on each hole and the computer system works out our stableford score. One may ask why then should we mark our stableford score on the card?  This is because a stableford competition may be running in conjunction with the stroke competition. In the men's case this will be the case. This is a recommendation of Golf Australia which we have adopted. The reason behind this recommendation has got several reasons - the principal two  (if one can have two principals) is that the handicapping system now calculates off the equivalent stableford score not the absolute stroke score. Secondly, in a stroke round, one may have a score on one or more holes  that may effectively preclude one from 'having a chance' in the stroke event but  two 'wipes' on a winning stableford card are not that unusual.  So in a stroke round there are 2 chances now to win a comp. 

So, after all that, we proceed as normal. The playing handicap that one plays off in the comp is the one that appears on your score card. As you can see on Brian's card below his 'playing handicap' is 12 - his GA handicap is 10.8.  10.8 *121/113 is 12. Voila ! 

If members would like a fuller explanation we can have a session in the clubhouse one afternoon - I would be pleased to explain more.

regards and good golfing

Kevin Burke 

p.s. In order to get our new handicaps GolfLink 'backfilled' our results. This 'backfilling' gave a result that is not significantly different from calculating our results as if we played on our course with the correct slope and rating. (It could be considered that the one stroke different in our handicaps could have made 'that put' on 'that hole' more or less of a pressure put.) Handicap adjustments resulting from a good 4 ball score were not calculated in the 'backfill' correctly. There may possibly be several esoteric issues that theoretically could alter the way our handicaps were recalculated but practically it really has no significant or material affect. 

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